The Boardgame Mechanics Review Aethermon: Collect

1 year ago

#JasonReviews #boardgamemechanics #news

0:00 - Intro
0:08 - Title Screen
0:26 - Description of the Game
1:40 - Components
4:07 - Final Thoughts
5:16 - Credits

Join Rika, Haru, BEB0 and Followoof, four lost souls who have come together to explore the World of Aethermon!

Aethermon: Collect is a quick to play, 2-4 player set-collection game with both co-operative and competitive game modes.

Players take turns to move the shared Group Token horizontally or vertically around a grid of Aethermon cards, collecting any Aethermon on which they land.

Co-operative mode invites players to work together in order to solve the unique puzzle presented by the board.

Competitive mode introduces powerful, rule-bending artefacts to out-wit opponents with one-time-only changes to movement or gameplay.

Featuring 48 beautifully-illustrated Aethermon creatures - discover their rich lore on the back of each card.

—description from the publisher

To watch the play through for this game click the link below:

For more information about Aethermon: Collect:

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***Review copy provided by Aethermon Studios***

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