Walk Away from your Tank for 1 Year - Natural Aquarium Needs No Fuss

1 year ago

Natural and Balanced Aquariums require very less maintenance and fuss. In fact, after it has stabilized for a few years, you can even walk away for a year or more without feeding the fish because the tank has established itself and can take care of itself and its denizens. Find out why in this short.

FATHER FISH is an advocate for natural aquariums. His research over 25 years provides a wealth of information about the creation and maintenance of natural aquariums.
On this channel you will find scientific research as well as personal testimonials by countless hobbyists who have applied the Father Fish System and are enjoying its amazing benefits.

THE FATHER FISH SHOAL on Discord is a wonderful way to meet and make new fishy friends as well as get the help you need.
24/7 live on Discord: https://discord.gg/ZDADR5KnQu

You can buy plants, soil supplement, leaf culture & more:

Father Fish Facebook Page

FatherFish "Keep It Dirted" T-Shirt: https://fatherfish.creator-spring.com/listing/father-fish-shoal-keep-it-dirt?product=2

FatherFish T-Shirt: https://fatherfish.creator-spring.com/listing/father-fish?product=2

FatherFish Apparel: https://fatherfish.creator-spring.com

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