Moved to a new Country Looking for Job Don't have any Idea where to start looking? Linkedin Tips

10 months ago

Moved to a new Country? Looking for Jobs? Don't have any idea? Read more 👇👇👇

If you have moved to a new city or country, this could help you land a job without waiting for anyone else to help you because you can be scammed too.

1. Go to Google Maps and search recruitment agencies with at least 50 reviews.

2. Make a list of them near you and search them on Linkedin

3. Go to the company pages and connect with HR people from that company or register on their profiles.

4. Once done, see if there is any relevant job for you.

5. If yes, apply by connecting with the company people and share resume directly with them. IT increases your chances of being interviewed.

6. If not, check Linkedin jobs, add relevant job role and add location. Turn on alerts.

7. LinkedIn will alert you daily about 4 to 5 jobs. Apply to them using the above method.

8. Bonus Tip: Never pay to be hired ❌

This is my custom method, you can add this and let me know which works better for you 🙂

Good luck ☺

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