11 months ago

I intent to bring Heaven on Earth for the betterment of everyone with the intent to love everyone. Get a blood sugar test kit its free at the pharm mine was. Put a few drops of blood then burn it, on it then post it on youtube with the title blood over intent
Your well have a soul again, us demons are your puppet masters you have no free will really, thats why eveyones a misrible sea monkey slave lost in a sea of lies. Where all in Hell, under the HELL,IOS SUN your in the lake of fire and dknt even know it its really sad thats why im doing this, once you SEE you cant un see itDuring the next two days, Venus makes a conjunction with Lilith on the 8th and a square with Uranus on the 9th. It can be a trying time for Divine Feminine energies in particular.Free energy cure 4 cancer anti "gravity"
Everything is a lie
Spread the word 🔥

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