Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark PC Gameplay 2023

1 year ago

"Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark" is a turn-based tactical role-playing game deeply steeped in a world of fantasy with subtle hints of steampunk aesthetics. You play as the Arbiter Kyrie, an agent of the Immortal Council, whose mission is to maintain stability and order throughout the land. The journey involves leading your troops through challenging encounters.

The game boasts an intricate and mature narrative, revealed through more than 40 story encounters, culminating in an intensive end-game content. The combat system takes a classic turn-based tactical approach, with the added complexity of rugged terrains and elevation, all brought to life on hand-drawn environments.

"Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark" stands out with its comprehensive class system offering more than 30 classes and 300 abilities, allowing deep customization of each character. Players can experiment with the selection of class, sub-class, and passive abilities to create a character that aligns with their envisioned strategy, whether that's a flexible generalist, a dedicated spell-caster, or a formidable specialist.

Customization extends to the visual representation of troops. Players can select the portrait, outfit, colors, and other visual elements for each of their characters. In terms of equipment, the game offers over 240 pieces that can be purchased, scavenged from defeated enemies, or created from crafting.

The game's backstory is rooted in a time when the first Immortals rose to power after destroying a devastating beast that threatened the world. To avoid such catastrophe in the future, the Immortals formed a Council to ensure global order and stability. However, they are not omnipresent and rely on their mortal agents, the Arbiters, to deal with more commonplace threats, ranging from bandits and unruly monsters to corrupt officials. As an Arbiter, Kyrie uncovers corruption within her order and takes on the responsibility to stop a threat as catastrophic as the brutal beast of the past.

"Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark" draws inspiration from games like Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Ogre, not just as a successor but also as an innovator, introducing numerous enhancements and additions to the tactics genre.

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