The People's Emergency Act - Freedom Convoy 2022 Book Trailer #2

11 months ago

When I first heard about the Freedom Convoy, heading toward Ottawa, I knew it was going to be a game changer for Canadians. I just didn’t know that I would have anything to do with it, but within hours, I was also headed to Ottawa and into a more chaotic role than I would have believed possible...
This book is an insider story - a detailed account of my life events leading up to, during and in the after math of the Freedom Convoy. It’s about my personal experience, and right or wrong, why I was able to influence many decisions throughout.
The People's Emergency Act: Freedom Convoy 2022 will be Available on Amazon in September!
Sincere Thanks,
~ Tom Marazzo Author ~ Activist Book
Trailer Produced by: Mary Giuffre & Paul L. Clark
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