2023 January to July Athlete Deaths and Injuries

1 year ago

We have seen more deaths with cardiac arrest in very healthy people than ever before. Almost 200 athletes alone in the first 7 months of 2023, some as young as 7 years old. Cancers have become turbo, where you are diagnosed one day and die within days or sometimes hours. What is going on? We all know, and we should speak out about it and hold those responsible. Our Canadian government made contracts with these big Pharma companies in bad faith. No vaccine was created "yet," but they went ahead and made deals. With no long-term testing with this new MRNA technology, the public became the long-term test subjects.
We believe the Nuremberg 2.0 will happen. Just like our backed up Canadian court system, it will take a few years, but we know it's coming. This is and was crimes against humanity.

From everyone at truthsuncensored, we send our condolences to all family and friends who've lost a loved one. We pray for those suffering from their illnesses and ask God for his healing and mercy.

Please watch the "FRINGE MINORITY REPORTS" on Rumble at the truthsuncensored channel. Listen to the National Citizens Inquiry testimonials on the Canadian covid response.

All material collected from

Music by Onoychenko

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