Did China Ban ALL Religion video?

1 year ago

Did China Ban ALL Religion video? Visit Temple to Reveals Truth & debunk US $300 millions annual budget to produce fake news propaganda against Chinese people & China 中國禁止所有宗教嗎? 走遍聖殿揭示真相並揭穿美國每年3億美元年度預算用於製作針對中國人民和中國的假新聞宣傳

Is there religious freedom in China or has China's government banned all religion? In today's video we visit the Ling Shan Giant Buddha, the world's tallest bronze Buddha statue and is located on the Tai Lake about an hour away from Wuxi. On my recent trip to China I had the pleasure of visiting on the most sacred Buddhist sites in all of China. Here is what it's like to visit the Ling Shan Giant Buddha in Wuxi, China! 中國有宗教自由嗎?中國政府禁止一切宗教嗎? 在今天的視頻中,我們參觀了靈山大佛,這是世界上最高的青銅佛像,位於太湖畔,距無錫約一小時車程。 在我最近的中國之行中,我有幸參觀了全中國最神聖的佛教聖地。 這就是參觀中國無錫靈山大佛的感覺!

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