Obvious Question: If You Still Support Joe Biden, Are You Just a Marxist, or Utterly Deranged?

10 months ago

Ask Yourself: What did Biden Give China & Russia -- As They Run War Games Next to Alaska?

Since Democrats own the Mainstream Media -- lock, stock & barrel -- we have no excuse for allowing a run by AN INCOMPETENT PREZ & VP in 2020. Add towering lummox, Sen Fetterman, unable to finish a single sentence. But now, as China & Russia run war games next to Alaska, how will Joe & Kam respond if provoked? See, China and Russia Stage Naval Operations Near Alaska, Triggering US Naval Response.

2 Fake Impeachments: Further, and after 2 faked impeachments, and countless daily lies spewed against Trump by the Democrat Party, who wouldn’t believe the Dems didn’t try to rig the last election? Yet, most GOP members continue sitting on their hands. But America is now in mortal danger because conservatives didn’t do enough to support our candidates in the last election -- ‘nuff said!

Undeterred Donald: Meanwhile, Donald Trump, the only American unafraid of media and Dems, runs from arraignments, to hearings, and back while campaigning. Folks, Donald is dying by a thousand papercuts as Dems file one nonsensical prosecution after another to stop him from running & winning again in 2024. So how can Americans support The Don

Surviving Democrats: So, after the Republican House proved beyond any doubt that Joe and Hunter received millions of dollars from our worst enemies, what did these commie nations receive in return? It was something rather than nothing. But what? So – let's ask ourselves whether the war games occurring right now are an obvious reminder that they have the goods on the Bidens. They have us over a barrel. But how do the mainstream media think they’re going to survive an attack if China and Russia go after us. And. If there's one thing that encourages violence, it’s enfeeblement. In history, has there ever been a weaker president, Vice president than Joe and Kam?

How We Gort Here... So, how did we get to this tenuous spot in US history? Let’s recollect. 1st. The original idea was that Joe Biden was totally harmless, an upgrade from Trump. 2nd. The mainstream media cannot investigate anyone who's a liberal. Therefore, Joe was lulled into a side crime career, which has now combusted. 3rd. The convenient fact that even totally incompetent politicians are better than Republicans. 4th. The only goal in the Democratic Party is winning power. And any ‘holy cause’ fought for is only temporary in service to that goal. Ergo, Feminism morphs into Trans. 5th. According to the Left, long ago it was deemed America must fall for international Leftism, aka, Marxism.

Globalism, as Always! Sadly, in terms of sovereignty, America will be debased by “socialists” who seek absolutely control of the globe to... “Save the World.” Of course, since most will resist once the screws are tightened, we will then watch the complete enslavement of the world. It’s only obvious. Therefore, the Democrats are opposed to every precious thing that the Founders fought for. And so the only way to save the world is to disband the Democrat Party & then De-Democrat-Partyize USA. Because, the alternative is a complete sabotage and abandonment of Americanism. And letting the entire world be thrown to the wolves in the name of Karl Marx. The proof? That every time Democrats get power, law and order go out the window.

Biden & Death of Christianity: Consider now, the real issue undergirding all this chaos. The death of Christianity in the West. Now the reason “Liberalism” is so effective is that it’s built on a desacralized Christianity which then must be eliminated. Leftism begins to address the poor and needy. The government becomes the God figure. And any who resists the government must be punished or eliminated. Consider Comte’s godless Religion of Humanity.

Loss of Independent Law: But the colossal mistake is that, in eliminating God in general, once must specifically remove the Bible and Yahweh, and all associated things. So then, from where do human laws derive? A common suggestion is to build mankind's laws upon the Golden Rule. The issue then is this is taken from Jesus’ own sermons. From Christ’s Sermon on the Mount: “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 7:12.

Great Alfred’s Laws: Further, England’s best King – Alfred the Great, used the Bible as the foundation for his legendary Common Law which arguably grew into history’s best legal system. So, in trying to build a fair legal system that attempted to defend all people, why throw that out after marvelous results and start over? Sadly, this is because Leftists decided ANY taint of religion must be destroyed, regardless how beneficent.

Only Govt = No Law: Now, once government adopts atheistic humanism, there’s no Ten Commandments to argue against liquidation of pesky people. For instance, according to JR Rummel, and his study of Democide – or Death by Government, Chairman Mao killed about 77 million. See, Democrats: The Party of Death and Destruction.

Democrats, Killing Society: Currently, Democrats labor under the theory that anything done in the service of remaking the world for socialism/Marxism/communism is great, because from this the world itself will be saved. So, recently the economic disaster of COVID based on lies is wholly acceptable for as the economy shrinks, the poor are saved from modern slavery, while the deified state passes out largess. Again, our porous border delivers justice, because America’s capitalism deprives the world. And it’s not defensible that the poor of other countries were not born here. It’s not their fault they're impoverished. Ultimately, the world cannot thrive while a big, selfish bully like America exists. So all destruction of USA creates future global justice. See, Biden trying to 'destroy' US, GOP senator warns.

Enter From Left -- Nihilism: Then, a new menace enters the picture. The fact is, Nihilism – or the belief that no rules exist – is an almost irresistible reaction a blank universe, unbothered by a deity. Here is the IEP definition:

“Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism that condemns existence. A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy. While few philosophers would claim to be nihilists, nihilism is most often associated with Friedrich Nietzsche who argued that its corrosive effects would eventually destroy all moral, religious, and metaphysical convictions and precipitate the greatest crisis in human history. In the 20th century, nihilistic themes–epistemological failure, value destruction, and cosmic purposelessness–have preoccupied artists, social critics, and philosophers."

Killing Kulture: Reading the above, it’s not hard to imagine that if you’re a modern Democrat, it’s quite likely you’re an atheist. So you put all your eggs in the government basket. Therefore, to be pessimistic about life, condescending and dismissive of conservatives is natural. Unfortunately, this belief system gives no natural reason to fight for a Constitution, respect the legal system, or even plan for the future. As Professor Anders Kraal of UBC’s philosophy dept states, Nihilism is the belief that “there is no objective meaning in life, there is no way things ought to be in an objective sense.”

CHALLENGE: Yes, America – the Democrat Party does not believe in anything but control. Or as Nietzsche stated, Will to Power. So, having admitted it -- What are you going to do about it?

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