Tombs of the Giants. Expedition on the Island of Sardinia. Gilbert House 8-6-2023

1 year ago

Tombs of the Giants. Expedition on the Island of Sardinia. Gilbert House 8-6-2023
Giants from the Land of Canaan migrated to the Island of Ancient Sardinia
Premiered 5 hours ago A View from the Bunker
A GROWING BODY of evidence links the giants of the pre-Flood world with ancient Canaan and the mysterious island of Sardinia off the west coast of Italy.
Author, filmmaker, and explorer Timothy Alberino (, who is our special guest on our 2024 tour of Israel, joins us to discuss the hundreds of giants’ tombs on Sardinia. They are used to this day in a rite of passage tradition where young teens will spend the night inside a tomb to absorb the energy of the giants believed to be buried underneath.
We also discuss the archaeological evidence connecting the Nuragic civilization of Sardinia and Canaan of the Late Bronze Age, specifically the site in Israel near Megiddo called El Ahwat, which features architecture not found in ancient Canaan—but nearly identical to Nuragic construction on Sardinia. Finally, we speculate on why Sardinia has so many giants’ tombs. Derek misspoke—more than 800 have been discovered on the island!
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