8/6/2023 - Session 1 - Religion or Christianity #7

11 months ago

We live in a time of an overwhelming amount of religions, beliefs and churches. Why are there so many differences in religion when there is only ONE God who has ONE word with ONE meaning? In this series we'll look at the unity of God's word in comparison to the dis-unity of man made religion.

Works: are a major part of the Christian life. However, "Works" will not provide salvation. They are expected to be performed AFTER salvation.

Salvation: is from GRACE through FAITH in Jesus Christ. Once saved, always saved. Salvation can not be lost.

Heaven: will not be equal for all Christians. How one lives the Christian Life after salvation determines rewards in heaven.

Link to Doctrinal Studies: https://www.gracebiblechurchbaytown.org/topical-studies.html

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