8/8/23 You Are Not Your Own "Inventors of Evil" part 2 S3E1p2

10 months ago

“You Are Not Your Own”
The Bible literally says “For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it,” and yet in our world today we see self-hatred all over the place! Today on Something’s Happening Here, we look at the phenomenon of body mutilation, which seems to be gripping people worldwide, and especially in the West, and especially among our youth, and especially among the girls. What has happened in the world to so radically invert the apostle Paul’s statement, where now we find virtue in neither nourishing OR cherishing our bodies, but cutting them into costumes instead? When did child mutilation become a controversial topic? I hope it all makes you long for the Kingdom of God, friends, because it does for me. Welcome to the show.

"Inventors of Evil" Part 2: 8/8/23
Season Three begins this week! We are looking at various new evils that plague the world today as we try to understand what it means to be an “inventor of evil.”

Season 3 Episode 1
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