Repentance - Session 6

11 months ago

This is the sixth of seven messages Doug gave in his interviews with GeorgeAnn Hughes in her podcast, The ByteShow recorded November-December 2011.
Here are my notes:
o Repentance = “a change of attitude; a change of mind that is evidenced in a way of life that conforms to God’s revealed standard.”
o Doug goes into the history of a very wicked king of Israel, Manasseh, to demonstrate an extreme case of repentance and how God deals with him at the end of his life.
o Our failures and sins have consequences even though we have God’s forgiveness when we acknowledge them and repent from them.
o “We as a nation are now under judgment, and the judgments have been increasing as we proceed in our rebellion and our indifference towards God.”
o “We were not made for sin. We were made for God; we were made to have a relationship with Him, and we can’t have a relationship with Him if we are involved with that which is detestable in His sight, that is morally and spiritually incongruous, or in conflict with His character.”
o Doug uses the story of David as an illustration of one who committed a heinous crime and yet God forgave him after he confessed and deeply repented of his sin. However, God’s discipline and the consequences of his crime followed him for the rest of his life.
o “Sin is just not worth it!”
o “The fear of the Lord means a reverential awe – we reverence God; we recognize Him as supreme, and that He is the one that we should consider first and foremost.”
o “In spite of all David’s failures – our failures – we get up and we acknowledge our sin, and we bow before Him humbly – take whatever discipline He gives to us as a father; we’re not to despise His discipline, His chastening (Hebrews 12).”
o Doug uses this session to appeal to those of us who have unconfessed sins and unrepented transgressions that are hindering our fellowship with our Lord and with one another. “When we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

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