YES, When They Pulled Hillary In that Van She Was Arrested-Rest Are Doubles Since

1 year ago

This was a complete sting operation. Amazing to watch for those who knew. Part of history made. All cameras on the right people, for the world to see and all eyes on. Trump walks in, more like the boss walked in to make sure the job was done and walks out. Daddy Bush was arrested way before this right with McCain. McCain only confessed to what he had to. They agreed for his execution was for him to kill himself at home he requested and he did. Daddy Bush was still alive and told all and more. Serious mob Nazi leader family and he was like the Godfather. He even stated, "he knew this day may come, he was not stupid like the kids". The secret service was only behind Bush family, not Trump. They were the ones that gave the note that made Jeb look like he was going to throw up, soon after that you can see Laura ask if true. Bush lowers his head and says "yep". It was all set up for daddy Bush to talk to his son and tell him to give it up , turn yourself in. Secret Service was there to take him to his dad, and not run. Bush Jr. agreed and willing to help out and more info. Soon after Daddy Bush was executed. The really first public clue given was the picture of Bush handing pizza to the FBI, if missed it, look it up. It was a message to the mob and to the world in one picture. Pizza is a known pedo word. Look it up. Handing the stage picture and pizza to the FBI was telling us he is giving it all to them. I think it was about a year or so Bush Jr was done and execution took place.

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