Agenda 2030 & The Prophetic Outline — A Better Look?

1 year ago

A popular view today associates the goals of Agenda 2030 being reached at the second coming. (This theory embraces an AD 30 cross, a 2030 second coming, a 2023 tribulation start). But have the demonic superpowers and the global cabal really set their goal date as the very day of the second coming? Isn't that shortsighted? Why set a timetable and a goal date which only gives you a few hours to enjoy the fullness of what you have been aiming at for centuries, then you and the plan get smoked by the second coming? I think that the midpoint of the seventieth is a better bet for the endgame of Agenda 2030 and every associated NWO plan. On that day the the worship of the antichrist is rolled out and so is the mark of the beast.

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