A Republic, If You Can Keep It

11 months ago

Those are the words of Benjamin Franklin to a person when asked, "What did you give us?" as he exited the meeting of the Continental Congress ("Did we get a monarchy or something else?" was the question?). What he meant was that a Republic wasn't automatic; it would take work to keep America, "the land of the free." We have lost so many freedoms since then. Like the frog in the pot, one freedom lost over time, then another, and another. Our Founding Fathers would not recognize our Republic if they were alive today. First of all, if they were alive, they would be fighting like heck to keep our Republic. That is something we DON'T seem to be doing.
Remember the song, "Let's Get Physical?" Well, how about, "Let's Get Political?" We are about to lose the freedoms God so graciously granted us. Like the people of Israel, we have become more focused on the things of the world (money, power, sex) than on God. This is especially true of our so-called leaders in government, at every level, and our churches. We have turned our churches into, "a den of thieves," focusing on money and membership rather than teaching how to work for God. Bible studies mean nothing. Yes, we should read scripture, but if we don't meditate on the words we read and put them into practice and action, they mean nothing. Faith without works is dead, right?

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