The Gospel of Jesus - There is No Substitution for God's Promises

1 year ago

We jump back into Galatians only to see Paul take a really hard stance in his argument comparing the law and God's promises. The false teaching was deep rooted in Galatia and Paul has to turn up the heat to make his point that the law will not get you into heaven. Although God gave us the old covenant laws, God, before time, prepared a way to replace the old covenant with the New covenant (Jesus Christ).

The commitment God made to us was carried out through Jesus' death on the cross. His resurrection is the beginning of the age of the new covenant. When Jesus returns, that new covenant will be fulfilled and our transformation (glorification) will be complete.

It is in our faith in Jesus that we can experience the new covenant promise of complete forgiveness of our sins. With a strong personal relationship with Jesus we will experience the gradual transformation or our hearts, minds and souls. The ultimate goal is to become more like Jesus! How are you doing in your transformational state? Continue to grow in Christ and you will find yourself living in the kingdom of heaven for eternity with the Triune God.

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