Fact-checking USA Today's disingenuous defense of Anthony Fauci (COVID-19 vaccines)

1 year ago

Fact-checking USA Today's disingenuous defense of Anthony Fauci (COVID-19 vaccines)

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/04/11/fact-check-fauci-vaccine-comments-taken-out-context/9492795002/ https://web.archive.org/web/20220411224051/https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/04/11/fact-check-fauci-vaccine-comments-taken-out-context/9492795002/

Back on 4/11/22, the USA Today engaged in a disingenuous attempt to defend Herr Anthony Fauci from criticisms of his support for a COVID-19 vaccine, while telling an elderly woman from Minnesota that her best defense against the flu virus was her natural immunity.

The rag attempts to defend this by correctly stating that COVID-19 was not around at the time, so it need not apply. Fair enough, but not good enough.

They go further saying, “That year there was a flu vaccine shortage, after the world's second-leading supplier of the flu vaccine, The Chiron Corp., saw their company license suspended for problems at a manufacturing plant. This cut America's supply of flu vaccine almost in half and led leaders in public health to recommend healthy Americans defer getting a flu shot so high risk, elderly and young individuals could have access to the shots.”

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02Z8ebu4YKRnYjqRJg2RfhKH3Mf7a9bVuoVAA8STMw1ZrRQFyTD6afKgPdiDCB28F5l&id=1400591836843895 https://web.archive.org/web/20230000000000*/https://professor_enigma.webs.com/covid-19-odds-ends-part-ii https://mailchi.mp/tomwoods/iowachart?e=be42d9646c That applies to COVID-19 as well, because my back of the envelope calculation indicated that the survival rate for those 49-and-under was 99.9014%, not exactly the harbinger of death.

Later data that was published dovetailed w/ my calculations, indicating that the survival rate for 40-49 was slightly higher, pegged at 99.92% & the 49-and-under group was a bit higher in that publication than my back-of-the-envelope calculation.

USA Today even broached this, saying, “The CDC has said that compared with the flu, COVID-19 can cause more serious illnesses in some people. With COVID-19, people can also take longer to show symptoms, and they can remain contagious for longer periods of time than with the flu.”

“Some people” is the key phrase, I do not blame an overweight 65-year-old w/ COPD or emphysema from getting the flu “shot” or the COVID-19 “shot.” Folks under 50 who are in good shape like myself do not want nor need the COVID-19 “shot” because there is much more risk than reward.

https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2002387 Anthony Fauci said some years ago: “On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%. In another article in the Journal, Guan et al. report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide spectrum of disease severity. If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively [NOTE: Read the entire article, there are a lot of “ifs” in there].”

The one think COVID-19 is better at then the flu is attacking those who are the sickest, fattest, oldest, those w/ the most compromised immune systems which might be because of age and/or drug abuse.

For those who are young & healthy, the risk remains the same, USA Today should quit treating me like some meth head in his 50s who wrecked his immune system decades ago. COVID-19 is coming for him & the likelihood of killing him is quite higher than it is me & certainly quite higher than someone in his 20s who runs track professionally.

The USA Today article also says, “Using the Fauci clip to push for natural immunity instead of vaccines – as many online are doing – ignores several critical points.”

Au contraire my uneducated friends https://web.archive.org/web/20230000000000*/https://professor_enigma.webs.com/covid-19-odds-ends-part-ii (see the link for all my sources, not going to insert them here)

[begin quote] “And here we have another CDC faux pas: The new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 guidance is the agency acknowledging it was wrong in the past to downplay natural immunity and promote unprecedented policies like asymptomatic testing, a California epidemiologist says.

The new guidance, released on Aug. 11, rescinds and alters a number of key recommendations, including treating unvaccinated and vaccinated people differently for many purposes, explicitly stating that people with previous infection have protection against severe illness, and removing six-foot social distancing advice.

“The CDC is admitting it was wrong here, although they won’t put it in those words,” Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor of medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, told The Epoch Times.

“What they’ll say is that, well, ‘the population is more immunized now, has more natural immunity now, and now is the time—the science has changed.'”

But a large percentage of the U.S. population has had natural immunity, or protection from prior infection, Bhattacharya noted, while over 80 percent of the elderly population had protection from severe disease from COVID-19 vaccines, previous infection, or both, since 2021.

“This is two years too late, but it’s a good step,” Bhattacharya added.


It was a good but bizarre day when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finally reversed itself fundamentally on its messaging of the past 2 1/2 years. The source was the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report of Aug. 11. The title alone shows just how deeply the about-face was buried: “Summary of Guidance for Minimizing the Impact of COVID-19 on Individual Persons, Communities, and Health Care Systems—United States, August 2022.” […]

It would have been fascinating to be a fly on the wall in the brainstorming sessions that led to this little treatise. The wording was chosen very carefully, not to say anything false outright, much less admit any errors of the past, but to imply that it was only possible to say these things now.

The report states: “As SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, continues to circulate globally, high levels of vaccine- and infection-induced immunity and the availability of effective treatments and prevention tools have substantially reduced the risk for medically significant COVID-19 illness (severe acute illness and post-COVID-19 conditions) and associated hospitalization and death. These circumstances now allow public health efforts to minimize the individual and societal health impacts of COVID-19 by focusing on sustainable measures to further reduce medically significant illness as well as to minimize strain on the health care system, while reducing barriers to social, educational, and economic activity.”

In English: Everyone can pretty much go back to normal. Focus on illness that is medically significant. Stop worrying about positive cases because nothing is going to stop them. Think about the bigger picture of overall social health. End the compulsion. Thank you. It’s only 2 1/2 years late.

What about mass testing?

Forget it. “All persons should seek testing for active infection when they are symptomatic or if they have a known or suspected exposure to someone with COVID-19,” the report reads.

Oh. What about the magic of track and trace?

“CDC now recommends case investigation and contact tracing only in health care settings and certain high-risk congregate settings.”

Oh. What about the unvaccinated who were so demonized throughout the past year?

“CDC’s COVID-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status because breakthrough infections occur, though they are generally mild, and persons who have had COVID-19 but are not vaccinated have some degree of protection against severe illness from their previous infection.”

[NOTE: There were several purveyors of misinformation in the early stages of COVID-19 hysteria & they were promoting uber-junk science concerning natural immunity from COVID-19. Even the politically compromised CDC would disagree w/ them on that, but those who aren’t politicized junk scientists like Sen. Rand Paul always knew that. They wanted someone under-50, who is totally healthy & had COVID-19 to still be forced to get an ineffective “vaccine”] [end quote]

USA Today says, “A CDC study from August 2021 confirmed that vaccination offers higher protection than previous coronavirus infection. “This study shows you are twice as likely to get infected again if you are unvaccinated," CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said in a statement.”

Walensky lied & the manufacturers of the COVID-19 vaccine lied, they knew it did not prevent transmission https://rumble.com/v2s125y-the-covid-19-vaccines-are-going-to-save-us-maybe-not-really-part-v.html (I have four other vids on this topic, find them in the vid description), they knew it was not very effective, even for those who really needed it (overweight, old, sick).

It was patently obvious that the “vaccines” were not doing much to curb COVID-19 as Joe Biden had more folks die on his watch https://rumble.com/vuvkvk-candidate-joe-biden-wants-fake-president-joe-biden-to-resign-covid-19.html than did Donald Trump (in comparable time frames, see the video) & as the number of vaccinated went through the roof, so did deaths & hospitalizations. https://rumble.com/vr360z-stephen-colbert-is-fake-news-covid-19-vaccination-rates-and-cases-per-week.html https://rumble.com/vp8g4f-stephen-colbert-is-dumber-than-sam-seder-covid-19-case-rates-and-vaccinatio.html

It was pretty obvious, especially seeing Walensky’s faux pas that the vaccines were not very effective, even though it would still be worth the risk for those who are obese and/or very sick.

This would be the grand finale, as you can https://rumble.com/v2rgw38-covid-19-lockdowns-get-nuked.html see states that had vicious lockdowns vs. states that “did not care if you lived or died.” States w/ a large rural population, states where everyone is packed in like sardines (and states w/ both), states w/ a large “minority” population & states w/ lots of old, white folks.

It’s pretty obvious that the lockdowns had no effect on mortality rates, when you look at the age-adjusted data.

Later the USA Today says, “While COVID-19 immunity provided by vaccine and prior infection are both high, neither offers 100% protection. The vaccine, however, offers more consistent protection against COVID-19, the CDC said… The level of immunity gained after a COVID-19 infection also varies widely, which experts say leaves some people with minimal natural immunity. “Natural immunity tends to be strong, yes,” Shane Crotty, a professor and vaccine researcher at La Jolla Institue for Immunology, previously told USA TODAY. “The reason scientists and public health officials have been more cautious about COVID-19 is because of this big range (of immunity levels) that we’ve seen for COVID-19 in people, which seems different than some other infections.”

Sounds like a bit of doublespeak here, now natural immunity “tends to be strong”, which is the entire point of the response to Fauci & effectiveness of the vaccine also varies quite widely as well, we can see that from the data.

So, we will accept the apology of Marxists who screeched like lunatics over natural immunity being junk science, because it was not & we’ll accept their apology for wanting folks under 50 to take the “COVID-19 shot” – folks who are healthy & at little to no risk from COVID or the flu.

They close w/ this: “Based on our research, we rate MISSING CONTEXT the claim that Fauci said, "The most potent vaccination is getting infected yourself" because without additional information it is misleading. This clip of Fauci answering a caller's specific question about her flu diagnosis had nothing to do with COVID-19, which didn't exist at the time and is far more deadly and transmissible.”

Uh, no. https://rumble.com/veazad-uppsala-university-botches-swedens-projected-covid-19-deaths.html I have gobs of data like this in my COVID-19 hub https://web.archive.org/web/20230000000000*/https://professor_enigma.webs.com/covid-19-hub but part of the reason COVID-19 was supposed to be the harbinger of death was because of junk science related to it & when you see bloated reproduction numbers no wonder their projected number of deaths was not even close.

Again, if you are obese & sick lose some weight & I pray you get better – the COVID-19 “shot” should be something you consider, but for me no thank you. Even Robert Malone https://rumble.com/v1g5lw5-the-covid-19-vaccines-are-going-to-save-us-maybe-not-really-part-iv.html was not worried about Fauci & “Kid Sniffer” Joe Biden getting COVID-19 because they are not obese.

Based on my incontrovertible facts, I rate USA Today’s fact check as B.S. at the worst, mediocre at best & that goes for all these recycled “fact checks” that fat, little desk pogues vomit forth all over the interwebs, copying & pasting, trying to fool others into thinking they’re smart when all they have is a lot of free time & belly fat.

So, if you see anymore “fact checks” like this, take them w/ a grain of salt.

Overweight Sam Seder supporter #samseder #majorityreport Mark D. Lang should get the COVID-19 shot, as he is overweight.
https://rumble.com/v2vn5na-utubekookdetector-vs-mark-lang-black-on-black-murder.html https://rumble.com/v2lnxy8-sam-seder-supporter-mdl61-gets-pwned-again.html https://rumble.com/v2bv0gy-sam-seder-supporter-mdl61-gets-pwned.html https://web.archive.org/web/20230622025906/https://professor_enigma.webs.com/what-s-new

He obviously has a lot of free time & just sits at the computer all day, checking my channel numerous times, thumbing down any comments I make because he cannot debate. His only advantage is lots of free time.

Go get another COVID-19 booster Mark! 😉

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