Solved! Who Was Joseph Of Arimathea? How he was related to Jesus.

11 months ago

Just who was Joseph of Arimathea? All four of the Gospel writers include him in their narrative describing the crucifixion of Messiah Jesus. He’s there for a couple of verses and then just as quickly he disappears from the story.
• We will discover exactly why this individual could suddenly appear and be given possession of the corpse of Jesus to do with it as he pleased.
• We will investigate the location of Arimathea – a city, some experts say, is supposedly lost to history.
• We will solve one of the biggest mysteries of the New Testament – the supposed corruption of the genealogy found in Matthew.
• And how do the assigned jobs for the Levitical priests described in the Old Testament lead us to uncover a reveal about Mary, the mother of Jesus – something no one has yet recognized in modern Church history.

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