Transforming Your Life: From Toxic Relationships to a 6-Figure Income (Advice from Rebecca Whitman)

11 months ago

Transforming Your Life: From Toxic Relationships to a 6-Figure Income (Advice from Rebecca Whitman)

In this episode of Healing Broken Families, Barbara interviews Rebecca Whitman, who was recently Rated #1 Life Coach & Empowered Woman of the Year by the International Association of Top Professionals about how to Create a 6 figure income, leave toxic relationships, and the 7 Pillars of Abundance. This episode is enough to set any woman free! Watch now and comment!

More About Rebecca Whitman:
About Rebecca Elizabeth
Transforms women from burned out to balanced, beautiful, and abundant through her 7 Pillars of Abundance.
Mentors burned out women to leave toxic relationships and magnetize their soul-mate at any stage of life.
Creator of the 6 Figure Side Hustle program helping women to exit from unfulfilling jobs to a profitable purpose.
Bestselling author of 3 books on business mindset & award-winning Host of the Balanced, Beautiful & Abundant podcast.
Rated #1 Life Coach & Empowered Woman of the Year by the International Association of Top Professionals.
Newlywed who manifested her soulmate, living happily ever after in Venice, California.
Visit Rebecca at

About Barbara La Pointe:
More about the host, Barbara La Pointe:
Barbara is a Professional Divorce Coach that specializes in high-conflict relationships, Narcissistic Personalities, and Inherited Family Trauma. Her coaching approach is to de-escalate the negative energy and emotional damage with a variety of positive, empowering, and healing modalities.

To connect with Barbara for a complimentary discovery call, visit www. today!

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www.facebook / narcisissm101forwomen

#empowerment #HappinessTips #SelfDiscovery #SelfLove #SelfAwareness #HealthyRelationships #PersonalGrowth #EmotionallyUnavailable #resilienc #abuse #narcissism #narcissist #narcissistic

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