Inkee Falcon Plus GoPro Gimbal Is There A Use Case???

2 years ago

What is the point of a GoPro gimbal. GoPros already have state-of-the-art image stabilization to the point that gimbles are really unnecessary and in a lot of ways a hindrance so I'm trying to figure out what is the point of having a GoPro specific gimbal? If you have an answer if you have a use case let me know because I'm trying to figure out how to review this thing for which I don't find a practical for. Originally when I accepted this gimbal I was under the impression that you could do motion time lapse videos with this gimbal except it turns out that you cannot and for me that is the one area that makes a GoPro gimbal still relevant. To be able to move your camera from one part of the scene to another part of the scene throughout a specific period of time following a predetermined path is a fantastic feature. However, without that I just don't see why someone should spend money for stabilization that the camera already provides. I totally get using this type of gimbal for a larger camera that doesn't have image stabilization but for a camera like a GoPro and other action cameras that already have gimbal like image stabilization it just doesn't make sense. I've looked at other people with reviews of this product and they seem to talk about how wonderful the gimbal is but I haven't seen anyone that makes an argument for using this gimbal in such a way that it adds functionality that the camera does not already provide.

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