Adama - Telos I - Chapter 6

1 year ago

In this message from Adama, the enlightened being from Telos, a subterranean city, the focus is on the ongoing journey of spiritual evolution and ascension. The discourse delves into the concept of reaching higher dimensions, visiting Telos, and the necessary inner transformation for such experiences.

The text emphasizes the connection between longing and heart intentions, highlighting that the desire to connect with higher beings is received through the heart. Adama speaks of the burden of accumulated memories and emotions in the current dimension, and the need to release these traumas to ascend. The path to a higher dimension involves shedding the past and focusing on growth and evolution.

The evolution of consciousness is discussed, with the present state of governance by human laws attributed to the influence of the Light. The message suggests that while these laws have been distorted, they still serve as a means of organization. Adama reminds readers to be grateful and radiate love not only to the higher beings but also to the planet and themselves. Self-love and gratitude are emphasized as essential foundations for spiritual growth.

Adama addresses the perception of readiness for ascension, emphasizing that while following guidance is important, the journey is ongoing, and more learning and releasing are required. The text encourages a forward-looking perspective, leaving behind past energies and focusing on positive feelings and experiences. By vibrating at higher frequencies, individuals accelerate their spiritual evolution.

The concept of receiving invitations to connect with higher beings is reiterated, suggesting that the moment for such interactions will come when each individual is ready. The process of self-love and gratitude is described as a means to trigger positive reactions in the soul and overcome self-judgment.

The text introduces the concept of the "path of the 7 initiations," an internal journey known to each individual's Higher Self. Looking forward and focusing on the Light is encouraged, while dwelling on past pain and negativity is discouraged. The idea that positive vibrations attract positive experiences is presented, leading to the fulfillment of one's ascension path.

In conclusion, Adama's message is a call to surrender to the journey of ascension, to cultivate self-love and gratitude, and to focus on positive feelings and experiences. The text conveys the idea that by doing so, individuals will accelerate their spiritual evolution, connect with higher beings, and ultimately live a more enlightened and fulfilling existence.

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