1 year ago

The Corporate Company Coca Cola Is Known For It’s Number #1 Selling Beverage All Over The World—<>0<>—
They Are One Of The Biggest Enviromental Polluters On Earth Selling 3,500 Plastic Bottles Per Second—…—
What Harm And Damage Can Coca Cola Do To The Human Body While It Poisons You—…—
It Heightens Blood Sugar Level Fast That Contributes To Weight Gain
Diabetes~Tooth Decay~Kidney Disease~ Kidney Stones~Liver Problems~Poor Sleep~Weakened Bones~Sucks Nutrients From The Body~Increase Body Acidity~ Inflammation And Damages Tissues—…—
And Has Very Bad Negative Effects On The Brain—<>—
It’s Also Use As A Home Cleaning Product~Pesticide~ Clean Rust And Oil Off Cars~ Clean Copper Coins—…—
It Contains Sugar Syrup~Synthetic Flavours And Corrosive Acid That Totally Eats Up Your Inside—<>—
A Can Of Coca Cola Contains 37 Grams Of Sugar Which Is Very High That Could Cause Nausea—…—
But Because Of The Chemical Phosphoric Acid…It Lessens The Sweetness To Keep The Sugar Levels Down—<>—
Phosphoric Acid Is A Corrosive Chemical That Make Coca Cola One Of The Best Cleaning Substance That Is Used As An All Purpose Cleaner—<>—
It Cleans Rust Off Old Coins And Remove Paint On Furniture—…—

Vivek Ramaswamy Ask To Meet With White Hats Military Council🃏📧👨‍🚀🐝

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has emailed General Eric M. Smith requesting an audience with the White Hat council, a source in the general’s office told Real Raw News.

Gen. Smith’s office, he said, received the note Thursday morning. In it, Ramaswamy wrote that he was aware of White Hat efforts to eliminate the Deep State and applauded the general and his men for going above and beyond the call of duty to safeguard the United States from treasonous criminals. Ramaswamy said he understood that Gen. Smith’s loyalties lie with Trump, but added, “You should leave options open should anything unfortunate happen to former President Trump.” He asked Gen. Smith to arrange a meeting between himself and the White Hat Council.

The email was similar in context but different in tone to one DeSantis had sent earlier this year. “Trump is damaged goods. He’s the past; I’m the party’s future,” DeSantis had written. White Hats have shunned DeSantis over his ties to FEMA Director Deanne Criswell and the crimes her people committed against Floridians during Hurricane Ian.

Our source said Gen. Smith cocked an eyebrow at Ramaswamy’s “should anything unfortunate” sentence.

“It could be nothing; it could be a veiled threat. We’re always on the lookout. And we really don’t know much about this Vivek Ramaswamy guy,” our source said.

Ramaswamy appeared on the political stage out of thin air. A Yale and Harvard graduate, he worked on Wall Street before founding a biotech company, Roviat Sciences—a company focused on amalgamating technology and drug development—in late 2014. He championed the growth of modern medicine, particularly immunosuppressive infusions.

Upon declaring his candidacy on February 21, however, Ramaswamy seemingly pivoted toward the anti-vaccine crowd, saying he abhorred Covid lockdowns and would “expose and ultimately gut” the Food and Drug Administration if elected President of the United States.

He has appealed to Truther communities. He denounced the official 9/11 report and said, “I don’t believe the government has told us the truth.”

“We can handle the truth,” he said in a call for a full accounting of UFOs at a House oversight hearing this month.

Moreover, he said in an interview with CNN hack Jake Tapper that he would abolish the Federal Reserve.

His appeasements aimed at Truthers are paying dividends; although Trump has an insurmountable lead over contenders, Ramaswamy’s percentage points have steadily ticked upward.

General Smith, however, isn’t convinced Ramaswamy is a true patriot.

“Gen. Smith has seen his share of fake patriots, supposedly loyal politicians, and armed forces members succumb to Deep State corruption. After reading the email, Gen. Smith feels Ramaswamy’s background was, until recently, questionable. He won’t entertain what might be a Trojan Horse. As far as I know, he hasn’t sent a reply,” our source said.

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