4 Reasons I Have Not Defended Myself in the Court

11 months ago

I am surprised that so many believe that the remedy for these types of things will be found in the courts. Let me explain at this point what it would take for me to get this case to the US Supreme Court. First, I would have to appeal to the Idaho Appellate court, that would take me at least two years, most likely three just to be heard. Litigation in this court would take another couple years. Meanwhile, St. Lukes would be burying me with legal papers created by their team of $600 per hour attorneys. I of course would have to respond to every document they filed or the case would be compromised. Responding to St. Lukes litigation would be impossible unless I hire a team of attorneys also. The average cost for a decent attorney in Idaho is $250-$350 per hour. It would take at least 3 attorneys from what I am being told. An assistant could be utilized but only for certain things. Even at that it would be hard to read and respond to all the legal documents that the St. Luke's team would be throwing at us. We know this from what they have done in the past. To top that off, I would most certainly lose in the Idaho Appellate court. The same people that make up the Ada County court also make up the Appellate court. Most of the judges come from the Ada County court and live and associate in Ada County.

After the loss in the Idaho Appellate, I could then appeal to the U.S. District Court. This court I have already appealed to and they rejected the case and awarded St. Lukes over $18,000 in legal fees as punishment to me for filing in their court. Remember the US District Court of Idaho are all judges from Idaho and it is still the Idaho Good Old Boys that influence that court even though it is a US court. Therefore, It would also take several years (paying that team of attorneys) to get through this district court and in the end it would most certainly be a loss.

Then onto the US 9th Circuit court. By this time I would most likely be absolutely destitute and my young children would be leaving the home with only a few memories of me not working on the legal case against St. Lukes. I may however find some traction in the 9th Circuit court, but it is a crap shoot and would also take several years of responding to St. Lukes law fare. Tens of thousands of documents during each litigation. St. Lukes has endless funds to pay lawyers for the simple purpose of creating documents that I must respond to. Finally, after 8-10 years of this intense litigation I may make it to the U.S. Supreme Courts. The litigation in the US Supreme court would be less and I actually believe I might win (if the justices have not changed by then). But, in reality I would have already lost. I would have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Thousands and thousands of hours of family and work time and most likely everything I own anyway just to pay for it all. You see, with our legal system, the process is the punishment, even if you win.

I estimate that at a minimum it would take $700,000 and 10,000 hours to litigate this case to the US Supreme court, that is a minimum figure. It could take upwards to $2.5 million because of the mountains of legal responses that would be required due to St. Luke's team of attorneys. For St. Lukes to dump $3-5 million into attorneys is nothing. They run on a multi-billion dollar annual budget. The U.S. legal system is not about justice but about who has the most money to spend on attorneys and litigation. My attorney fees in the Oregon and Nevada cases was $534,000. I was forced to fight then and it is by the grace of God that we are not in prison still. Yes, I could raise some money for legal expenses but my experience it that people would slowly stop caring about this case in less than a years and the rest of the financial burden would be mine to carry, Also, I have never been good at raising money, It is hard to ask people for money when it seem as if it is for myself.

So you can see that there is no win appealing to the courts. I have seen wins in other more practical ways but it takes courage, fortitude and God's favor to prevail. I intend on simply living and demanding that I am left alone. If not, I will defend myself and call on others to help.

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