Bennybigballs Aka Ben William de Worsley aka Anunnaki Pavey aka Ben William Pavey

1 year ago

Just a montage and me and my life. Sold me 1981 trans am and built a double garage.

Cxxts in Melbourne Australia get jealous of me and my family. Try throw shit that don’t stick.

Put out opinions of have mental illness and not just a crazy little cxxt since 1990’s. Never changed and just been enlightened with Buddhism philosophy and studying history and genealogy.

Just a worried father of 4 & 2 step kids. With a real outlook at progressive wet zero targets and follow the matrix form guide like many. Being a old punter I know what time it is and going through a holy mind war and 11th crusade to take Israel back. As we are the real knights templar bloodlines and holy royal Israelite bloodlines and the rothschilds and rockerfellers don’t own shit. Just materialistic mind prism cxxts and duke of CUinNT can piss off with his Freemason gangsters and his son prince of kent.

Checkmate you toothpicks and stop with this agenda of UN, WHO & WEF. Etc

Only the high testosterone warrior gene men will uprise against ya bullshitery and can hold our spirits from past ancestry.

Godbless Zeus, Buddha, Jesus, Odin & Mamluks

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