Breaking News: Christians Guilty or Not Guilty for Praising God at the Mall?

1 year ago

In this video, we'll explore the legality of a Christian praising God at the mall. Is it okay to shout "Hallelujah!" while shopping? We'll explore the laws in each state to find out!

Whether you're a Christian or not, this video is sure to spark your interest. We'll explore the legality of praising God at the mall in each state, and see if it's okay to do so! We'll also look at some other controversial topics, like whether it's okay to wear a "praise Jesus" t-shirt to the mall. What do you think?

it okay to praise God at the mall?Are you curious about the opinion of the law? In this video, we'll explore the law around public prayer and see whether or not you could be guilty of a crime for praising God at the mall. After watching this video, you'll know the answer to this age-old question!

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