Shopping Makes Baby Happy Enough For A Jiggly Dance

8 years ago

Not everyone would agree with what we are about to say, but a shopping spree is always good therapy. First of all, you get to release yourself of the money that has been weighing you heavy for all this time (especially if you have been good and saving for a whole month to get this done). Second, you get to get yourself new stuff, making you feel refreshed and renewed, ready to take on the world as a new person.

We understand that this is a principle that mostly women live up to, but there are fellas out there that feel the same way. Hi, guys! But as it turns out, there are also those out there who don’t strike as the shopping type right away, but if you give them their five minutes of glory in a shopping mall or supermarket, they just might surprise you with a little happy dance of their own. Of course, we are talking about babies!

This sweet baby can't contain his dance moves no matter where he is! So even while out shopping for groceries with his mom, he can't help but bust out his adorable little dance moves! He calls this signature move, the grocery store jiggle! How cute is that?

All this baby needs right now is some classic jive music and he is ready to take on Dancing With The Stars!

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