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MH17: Question; Motive? Russia had none. MICkeyMouse gang? Plenty. Elon Musk:"Bellingcat is a Psyop"

1 year ago

Flight #MH17: Question: Motive? #Russia had none. Just as it had no motive with the Skripal-Novichok fiasco, or the dam, or the NPP.. etc etc. The MICkeyMouse USUKEUNATOMIC Ukraine--Kolomoisky-Anglo-Zionist-Nazi-Gang had plenty..
See: https://covertactionmagazine.com/2023/01/04/eight-year-old-debunked-lie-blaming-russia-for-shooting-down-malaysian-passenger-flight-in-2014-is-given-new-life-by-dutch-judge/

~ MIC/State-Funded disinformation group, the so-called 'Open Source' gobshites at Bellingcat were among the most-used ('open') 'sources' for the ridiculous allegations against Russia.

~ Elon Musk himself recently stated, quite clearly, that Bellingcat are a Psy-Op (Disinformation - Propaganda Operation - an Atlantic Council Cutout..)

~ See: https://twitter.com/BeehiveChina/status/1658836185278447620
AND ~ https://twitter.com/BeehiveChina/status/1598747679626260480

~ I've been writing about propaganda (and false flags) for some time:
See: https://bestchinainfo.com/geopolitics/how-i-was-fooled-by-western-propaganda/
And: https://bestchinainfo.com/news/follow-the-money/ : ~

~ "By establishing a baseline lie and painting the enemy as a monster, atrocity propaganda serves as an aggressive intelligence function, since it wastes time and resources of the 'enemy' counter-intelligence services to defend against the 'attack', slander though it may be..
Defence and rebuttal has to be done.." ~ See Also: Reichstag, Gulf of Tonkin, 9-11, etc, etc

Further Reading: https://off-guardian.org/2018/05/08/the-downing-of-malaysian-airlines-flight-mh17-and-the-new-cold-war-with-russia/
Source Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C812MrH6TK4
Another video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1itielngoR4
Debunk of Bellingcat's fakery: https://sputnikglobe.com/20150605/1022977007.html
(One of many)

~ BGM: Intro: 'Don't Think by Barrie V / Copyright 1992 / 1993
Outro: (just one more) Summer of Love by Barrie V copyright 2001 / 2005
Previously: ~ A slightly more serious section of my video travelogue.. What I've learned about how the world is being made to think about China is shocking, seriously ~
~ Perspectives and views I've gleaned whilst travelling
~ First time away from China in a few years
~ Barrie V's Best China Info Thailand Edition: https://www.youtube.com/@BazzyVeee
Perspectives and views I've gleaned whilst travelling ~ First time away from China in a few years https://youtu.be/kUar4mAoXR8 What I've learned about how the world is being made to think about China is shocking, seriously.. ~ Barrie V for Best China Info
Part 1: https://youtu.be/kUar4mAoXR8
Part 2: https://youtu.be/6s6qQShGNxY
Part 3: https://youtu.be/0cheZw6tjYE
Part 4: https://youtu.be/-AEIDZj2MtA
Part 5: https://youtu.be/6RY9wcaPRyo
Barrie VVeiss ~ Montages from Thailand ~ More Videos Coming
~ Barrie V and Best China Info
~ thoughts views, whimsical perspectives
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Website: https://bestchinainfo.com/

Whimsical thoughts, notions, views, from a happy life in China + Thailand ~ Barrie V's Best China Info

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