Romans Study! - Chapter 4 continued (with building block example)

11 months ago

Apologies on a brief disappearance. Some unintentional information was broadcast and I didn't want it to stay, so that was cut.

"Who is God and who is provider?"
If God is God, then His Design is what is lived. If ________ is God, then God's Design is abandoned. The sense of feeling as if God abandoned you is based on YOU being God.

If God is provider, then His Design is providing both benefit and protection. But if _______ is provider, then the provisions are given like prison rations because God is a God of abundance.

If we don't have God's Design or Provision in our lives, it is because of what our ancestors or we have done because God does not change. God is always available to provide, but He does not answer the prayers of someone who will not walk in His Design.

REPENTANCE = changing your mind

OVERCOMING = keeping the course

DISCIPLINE = keeping accountable

I found out about intercessional repentance in 2014
2014 - 2016 I did things my own way before coming to repentance in 2017. 2

3/4 of 2017 I did things the way that God said to.

1/4 of 2017 and all of 2018 I flipflopped between doing God's way and satan's way (disguised as my way)1 1/4

2019, I start the group on February 19, 2019 ... and 2019-2020 did my own thing 1

2020, God calls me to repentance and I ignore HIM 1

2021, God calls me to repentance, and I listen. BUT, Backlash galore/in great abundance. Why? I tell people I found out about repentance 9 years ago, but only actually walked it for 4 3/4 years.
In Luke 12:8, Jesus gives a recipie for how the angels of Heaven can find you.

When you or I do the thing of repentance, overcoming, & discipline, the devil and cohorts can't find you because you are hidden in the righteous of God. This is the reason why the HOLY SPIRIT makes such a big song & dance about influencing our lives so that we don't look like sin. If we don't look like sin, then we DO look like the image and likeness of God to such a degree, that it become OBVIOUS that sin & demons are the defect.

If your life is lived in every way except the way that Jesus did on earth, the demons of hell can find you. This is the reason why the devil and imps make such a big song & dance about influencing our life so that we don't look like Jesus. If we don't look like Jesus, then it is an image and likeness of God that looks like a defect and therefore, becomes easy target/prey for the KOD

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