Homeless RVs, Sur 13, & Threats to Freeway Overpass Structural Integrity

1 year ago

City ordinances that prohibit RV from being 300 ft from drains; propane tanks, gas generators, and air compressors from being stored under or near freeway overpasses; designating Sur 13 members as domestic terrorists without rights to property, due process, or hospital admission; 10 yr minimum sentence for any gang member caught with a firearm; fining the registered owners of RVs all fees and penalties, plus "relocation costs", just like landords, per occupant; are all options to consider. Making public safety a top priority is not inhumane or discriminatory, it is rational, pragmatic, and sane. Forcing communities to conform to irrational, narcissistic, abusive, predatory individuals is inhumane and violates the fundamental principles that are the grounds for all concepts of human rights and individual dignity. If you wouldn't cater to ISIS or al Qeada why should you pander and pity members of groups like Sur 13 or Crips, etc.; becuz they are NOT Arab? If ISIS attacked and killed as many Americans as Sur 13 members do in a single week, wouldn't you support the US Govt hunting them down and destroying them by any means possible? Think about it...

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