Exanima Polka

10 months ago

Compilation of an indie game called ExanimaMusic: Pizzicato Polka - Jean Jacques PerreyExanima is an interesting game where a lot of the attacks from both your characters and the enemies are based on physics. As a result the game has a very 'ragdoll' type of movement to it which is both rather interesting and rather hilarious at times.You will often find yourself falling over obstacles as you try to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Sometimes you may get stuck or your limbs may glitch out in funny or frustrating ways. Otherwise it's a rather fun and interesting game.Level 3:
The last level that acts as a supposed tutorial to the game. You will encounter more of the same here, zombies with various levels of armor and weaponry including two skeletons at the same time near the end of the level.

You will encounter one particularly advanced zombie armed with a good quality sword, decently armored and with a much better AI compared to the other zombies.

You will encounter more of a challenge in this level but one will have to be prepared for what's to come. At the end of the level you will encounter a portal that will take you some place you may not be ready for!

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