Surviving the Clutches of a Narcissist Turned Psychopath: My Terrifying Encounter | EPISODE 3 | CCAB

1 year ago

Born in the midst of relentless warfare, where cries of anguish and explosions shattered the tranquility that should have accompanied the dawn of my existence. From my earliest memories, I was engulfed in a world enveloped by darkness—a darkness that seeped into my very being, leaving no room for innocence or naivety. My childhood, if it could even be called that, was a twisted labyrinth of violence and despair.

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0:00 - Intro
09:10 - Childhood
11:18 - Invasion of Panama
15:01 - William Lee Doogan
17:03 - Move to United States
19:00 - Welcome to a life with a predator
27:20 - Fugazi Green Beret
31:00 - Racist and Psycho
33:50 - Survival Mode
35:54 - A New Sibling to protect
39:33 - Colorado, New School
42:00 - Get out or Get Killed
44:00 - Growing up in Abuse
46:30 - Poetic Justice
48:29 - Out of the Frying pan into the fire
49:52 - Caroline Scout
51:25 - Legal Gaslight Battle
55:00 - Predator on the run
59:00 - Rescue 911
01:03:35 - A Better Life for them
01:05:00 - The Power of My Story
01:10:00 - Validation
01:12:10 - Finding Who I am and Where I Belong
01:18:58 - Joining 82nd, Special Forces, Self Worth
01:36:15 - Medical Retirement, Injury, Mental Health
01:50:54 - A Saving Grace to not end it all
01:57:44 - Lifesyle of change
02:06:43 - Science the Fuh-K out of this problem
02:08:20 - Favorite Books
02:10:00 - It's all within you
02:12:55 - A New Mission
02:22:16 - Why Your A Badass
02:24:00 - Where can we find you
02:25:30 - Outro

"The following program contains personal stories and experiences shared by individuals. The views and opinions expressed in this show are those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily reflect the views of the producers, hosts, or broadcasters. The purpose of this show is to provide a platform for individuals to share their stories and promote understanding and awareness. While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, the producers and broadcasters make no representation or warranty regarding the content's completeness, reliability, or suitability. Viewers are advised to use their own judgment and discretion when interpreting the stories shared in this program. Any reliance on the information provided is at the viewer's own risk. This show does not constitute professional advice or endorsement of any kind. By watching this program, viewers acknowledge and agree to release the producers, hosts, and broadcasters from any liability, claims, or damages that may arise from the content or its interpretation."
#narcissist #psychopath #survivor #veteran

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