Boston Hoaxathon a well done documentary, question everything

9 months ago

I found this from a channel called "The News Is Fake 4".
He found this 12 minute 45 second documentary from someone else and reposted on his channel. So now I am reposting this on here. Look at the connections, from the crisis actors, things that really don't add up, don't make sense, and who benefits from the gun=people control? The take-away is to question everything, distrust the media, the authorities, the government, the alphabet agencies, overlords, and the order followers who will obey orders no matter how evil they are. Notice how history and philosophies never change?

Also, I would really appreciate if you check out my other videos such as this one.

Please help Carol from NeverLoseTruth not go homeless. I have donated to her before, please help her and her three cats.

Also, I am going through some rough times, including my health with my recent diagnosis of Scoliosis as I need my neck, my hips, and my spine to be corrected professionally. I would like to have this done ASAP. Also, please pray for healing and relief for my Mom as her anxiety is bad enough, but we can't let her anxiety get worse that would trigger her brain aneurysm behind her left eye. Any help would be most appreciated, as it's whom you know, not what you know that counts, please read update #3 under my give send go page, and pass this along who can help me. I don't have facebook, twitter, nor truth social. I would appreciate the word of mouth as much as possible. We humans are the only species that has to pay to be here. I would like the gratitude shown toward me to pay it forward to others suffering worse than me. Thank you very much.


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