Gang-stalking in Action : The TikTok Edition on YouTube

1 year ago

Live videos depicting instances of gang-stalking experienced by me, your host, E. I. Smith. All of the videos will be derived from my TikTok page.

A word on the United States federal government’s own brand of criminally negligent violent thuggery; gangstalking, the most atrocious governmental program in the world; America’s thuggish attack, hit-and-run, disruption, sabotage, and crimes against humanity module called gangstalking, is an American nuisance. This “national security” protocol, which has thuggishly tried to pass itself off as a “societal norm,” something that “the American people devised and embrace,” is the most spineless, ugly, wasteful, and warrantless crime against humanity that humanity has seen in its 2,000,000 year existence here on planet earth.

This program, reeks of military industrial waste, anti-constitutionalism, anti-freedom, anti-civil liberties, anti-success, anti-republicanism, pro-incarceration, pro-murder, pro-thuggery, pro-embezzlement, and pro-sabotage, all having been stealthily crammed into post September 11, 2001 freedom-restricting murder-loving national security legislation.

The government liaisons that were “enlisted” as the useful idiots that went into stores, churches, schools, neighborhoods, libraries, shopping malls, corporate facilities, military bases, police departments, and other places where people gather and congregate, when caught, will say the same thing that every other weasel in history has said when caught doing something stupid; “I was only doing what I was told to do.”

Gangstalking is not the first program that the United States federal government has authorized that was tantamount to a private war on United States citizens. Since the 1960s, the federal government of the United States has authorized dozens of thuggish “social engineering” experiments on the general public, all of which needed sabotage, rape, murder, entrapment, incarceration, the DOJ, The DOD, plainclothes government operatives, assassinations, and international thuggery to operate.

The United States federal government has, since the 1960s, a plethora of third party corporate, governmental, religious, and semi-governmental entities, most of which wanted access to the hundreds of billions in tax revenues that the United States federal government takes in each year, tax breaks, and other benefits from actively participating in American federal cronyism, who illicitly influenced public policy through backdoor schemings, bribery, corruption, racketeering, the sending of whores for sexual favors, murder for hire, and other such tomfoolery, all at the expense of the American taxpayer, and to the detriment of the common good.

The United States federal government’s attack on humanity began when it allowed United States congresspeople, in conjunction with corrupt megalomaniacal third parties to draft 10,000 pages pieces of legislative pig slop and cram hidden stipulations through that slop so as to maximize non-congressional control over society through clandestine military styled attack modules that are directed at targeted individuals and help or sustain the vile, thuggish, and disruptive barnacles that perpetrate gangstalking.

Many Americans ignorantly participate in gangstalking not knowing that it has a name, a face, a method, a designation, and is taxpayer funded. Gangstalkers are federally directed to use a stinking combination of thuggery, violence, attempted murder, actual murder, menacing, intimidation, annoyance tactics, touchless torture, slander, false police reports, and phony 911 calls to subdue, disrupt, obstruct, and otherwise derail targeted individuals, namely those who show resistance to gangstalking, the dumbest clown-show in the world.

American international liaisons, ambassadors, and other such traveling stooges will (if they have not already) take steps to clandestinely spread the practice of gangstalking throughout the world so as to have other countries as its “partners in crime.” America has legislative influence in “allied nations.” It will no doubt use this influence to perpetrate the same legislative thuggery in other congresses, parliaments, and legislative assemblies that it has done within its own borders.
Gangstalking is nothing more than an American prelude to tyrannical thuggery, mass murder, exterminations, human experimentation, and other stench.

Among the crimes that the United States Congress has authorized through its national security malfeasance are abduction, child abuse, murder, attempted murder, assassinations, murder for hire, menacing, aggravated menacing, vandalism, home invasion, burglary, robbery, rape, kidnapping, embezzlement, organizational academic dishonesty, organized mob violence, military expenditure coverups, white collar crime, evidence tampering, jury tampering, hit-and-run vehicular homicide, and theft of vital statistic information.

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