Mandela Speaking to reporters after singing to kill whites

9 months ago

Mandela Speaking to reporters after singing to kill whites

Here is the KILL THE BOER song from the early 1990s sung by Nelson Mandela. Notice the little white guy in the Freemason Green Jacket singing along with Mandela? Well, that's Ronnie Kasrils, a South African-born Lithuanian-Jew who was an ally with Mandela's ANC.

In Australia, the Afrikaaners HATE the English, because the Rothschild banking family used Lithuanian Jew goons in South Africa to funnel funds into the ANC.
The Afrikaaner (Dutch Colonials) had South Africa as a prosperous exclave of Europe on a shithole continent. Johannesburg is a gold mine, an extinct volcano which is 1,600m up in the sky & the lava tubes are rich in GOLD.... Which is what those London banker JEWS wanted all for themselves. So, Rothschilds financed the terrorism through their community of Jews from Lithuanian heritage & helped to collapse the functioning white South Africa.

Nelson Mandela is a Nobel Peace Price winner, but he sings about killing white South Africans.

After Mandela sings about killing whites, he talks about the fear of whites & democracy to reporters.

The "white" male standing next to Mandela is the South African National Intelligence Minister Ronnie Kasrils. He is a Jew, and not a European.

Nelson Mandela never publicly renounced violence & he did not condemn this ceremony. Nelson Mandela does not publicly condemn killing of white people. This is proof of his hidden & racist agenda to support genocide of white people in South Africa.

The problem is that Mandela has achieved next to nothing in his relatively short political career which saw South Africa rapidly decline to the status of the world's most violent and crime-ridden country.

To add to the confusion, is the fact that his greatest friends are communists and dictators like Fidel Castro.

His ex-wife Winnie Mandela, whom he quickly jettisoned when it became clear she was a considerable embarrassment to his political career, is a self-confessed advocate of terrorism and violence, and has even committed murder.

Nelson and Winnie Mandela are an African version of Bill and Hillary Clinton. In his public statements and speeches Mandela is always critical of the democratic countries of the west, but has nothing but praise for the remaining communist and dictatorships of the world.

He condemns mistakes and controversial policies of the west, but refuses to publicly condemn the genocides and brutal repression of current or former communist countries; he is supposedly a "champion of freedom and democracy," the "hero of oppressed people everywhere" but considers dictatorships like Cuba shining beacons of freedom and justice.

Mandela is Just another example of African Brutality. This is the reason why Europeans segregated from Blacks in Africa. Mandela sings to kill whites, and blacks practice cannibalism. Lots of videos online of cannibalism being practiced by blacks in Africa.

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