Blowing step by step

7 years ago

Blowing step by step
PET bottles blow-molding with Sidel
More than one out of every two PET bottles around the globe is produced on a Sidel blow-molding machine. How does it work? Stored in a hopper, the preforms are move down the rails by gravity and are positioned on the infeed wheel to be loaded onto a spindle chain. The preforms rotate in the oven and are heated by infra-red lamps whereas the necks are maintained at lower temperature. The thermal conditioning is combined with ventilation. At the oven exit, preforms are unloaded and grasped under the neck by arms to the blowing wheel. The mold support units close to let the blowing process. The nozzle comes down into the preform, pre-blow begins sideways stretching followed with high-pressure blowing, pushing the bottle wall up against the mold. After material cooling, air exhaust and mod opening, the bottles are once again taken by transfer arm.

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