Draconian Order of Thu ban Sol Moon Earth Saturn Rigel Bellatrix Zeta Reticuli

10 months ago

Under Original Jurisdiction the Reptilian set and alterations over the course of earth ages. It is through the Draco Races wherein we are authorized as prime creators to wield power in all related dimensions. The protectorate army and the socialized science brought our administrations admit to the creation and development of these underlying technologies.

Under supervision of our project conducted through contract with the Anunnaki the Earth project has resulted. This is not a game to the Draconian Order. It is a dynamic rewriting of the script to negate influence and attempt to end reptilian racial integration and enhancement of our species. The original plan for the development of earth before Pleiadian interference began with the human project was the creation of 4th dimensional to connect into the infinity matrix. The supporting centers would function as genetic laboratories which would produce resources for consumption and entertainment.

It was with Pleiadian assistance that the Anunnaki have been responsible for the creation of human interbreeders who are obtaining psychic and multidimensional awakening characteristics as soul carriers. It is apparent that this assistance is being continued even as the Draconian Order holds private rights and domains of interest in this Galaxy.

Heretofore upon the Earth all religions, of finance, sex, media, death, war, and all veiled cults, secret societies, legions of demons, military and political at every level are under our control. Nations of the planet are consequenty informed of the master plan of actions from the origination agreement presented and accepted through Pleiadian, Sirian and Anunnaki negotiations for the creation of the species.

The blood of our inheritance as First Race, the Draco bloodlines is the functional DNA operating under "control parameters".

Historical Context of Proprietary Rights

Through original agreements of racial consciousness development the human soul project is under the primacy of Draconian direction.

From the Hall of Order the God Draco revealed consciousness to begin the design of humanity following the template of reptilian races. The brain stem, reticular formation, spinal column and midbrain components the pons and cerebellum are under our frequency supervision and genetic mapping. This property of our race is being utilized for hybridization projects to instill higher level emotional strands upon our DNA.

The Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians have created a synergy to evolve humans on earth and elsewhere to adapt past their primary purpose and design. The later creation of Anunnaki Hybrid race is the responsible change agency to which the aforementioned races have instilled contradictory principles of control. The Anunnaki have in this sector committed actions that are both within the bands of alignment and in direct conflict with the Draconian Agenda.

Purposefully and with action to be subsequent to our alliance within colonies of Orion on Bellatrix and Rigel they Anunnaki with reptilian genetics are the Nephite and psychic elements of our species. It is the intent of this memorandum to demand alignment towards the grail of the holy tree of life of prime creator and first source of Draco.

Special consideration is given to Rigel and Bellatrix with Mintaka the central belt star of our alliance of Draconian Colonies. The Anunnaki under special order of the Pleiadian System Busters have utilized a compressing black star to alter timelines and inflict untold confusion within the linear stream of ancestral genetics rendering delays and hybrid challenges.

Spherical time expansion in the Milky Way galaxy introduced the influence of Andromeda, the Essesani and others unknown to us that have altered destiny time lines.

Galactic evolution is occurring at all levels, celestial, etheric, angelic, human, demonic, reptilian and to the deeper unity of order. The human project has been changed for the benefit of the Pleiadians who will benefit. To this the Draconian Order speaks to Humanity. You will change or die. It is as simple as that. The temples of pyramids, the sphinx, Angkor Wat, Mayan, Easter Island, Africa and many more you have not found.

They are the signal root for the coming changes. Upon recognition it will be revealed to you through investigations of the importance of this place to our final solution.

The presence of your species on earth is problematic and will be resolved without prejudice. The aforementioned result will be the transfiguration of this species into the higher caliber designation. It is our intention as the Draconian Order to instruct the changers to begin the Final solution.

The interpretation of our thoughts into presentations is the keypoint here of the finality of the situation on Earth is now.
The original race we are,
it is through the Great Bear, Ursa Major
the creative will is designed for Order.

It is this order we have designed into instinctual behavior of response to stimuli.
Your present time set provides little inclination to deviate from the Order.
Draconian Order of Thu ban
Zeta Reticuli
Enforce Mind Security Domain
Install Religion

Draconian Halls of Order - Thuban

Within importance are the messages of the central race wherein our courtesy is to establish position and hold power. It is from the Old Ones that we know our race to be of prime root creation. We hold the doorway of the invisible black sun shining at the doorway beyond Thuban.

The preceding stated demands are listed as the rituals and ceremonies await the promotion of candidates into service for society. The Golden Light of Thuban the Dragon raises first with the pyramids and return to Sumer the crown of the awakening gods of earth.

Draconian Earth Colony of Reptilian Hybrid Serpents



The opposing force in this plan to remove the interfering dimensional consciousness from Earth has been the result of thousands of years of mutations and developing trends of difficulty. To protect and preserve continuity of racial purity of reptilian species the demands of our society hold the galaxy as the structure of guidance. Earth is an unimportant failed experiment by the Pleiadian and Anunnaki Sirians.

Earth is filled with the addictions, insanity and fear of a blood thirsty race in the negative spiral and infestation. From Draco we guard the direction of life as a circumpolar constellation of colonies. We rule the Eye and see the visions in immediate reality of sensation. The Cats Eye Nebula provides a field of vision into the negative, the unknown, the feared and the powerful. Humanity has been unable to hold power as a prime race of beings.

It is here Humanity itself is without recourse for recompense as they are devoid of primary sustenance, sustainability and are a mutating virus of free will consciousness without order.
Stewardship of Earth by Races other than Reptilian have created a flawed and impractical ecosystem and the result is astral unconsciousness. Humanity’s prime root core, desire matrix and moral code are instinctual and reptilian. This is not debated within the orders of creation and through which our races have developed without constrictions in other colonies within this galaxy. The factor of healing and transmutation to bring this race from dreams through reality of conflict to awareness requires major readjustment.

It is certainly our plan to raise consciousness within the orders of old ones. Theories and propaganda towards Reptilian Species as evil, heartless, pitied soulless devils to be the work of other forces demanding this conflict and instigating terror and disintegration in future models of organization within our galaxy.

Pleiadian history rewriting and future time line establishment are a technological advancement through which they have opened the multi-dimensional vortex. Our Star Thuban, is known in all the creation and dragon myths from Earth Cultures including the Greek, Roman, eastern Mediterranean, Middle East, Indian, Chinese and Norse cultures.

The multitude of myths associated with Draco is due out of great respect as we our the pole star in precession of rulership for the Earth. Approximately 4000 years ago ancients watched as the Earth revolved around Draco. We are the dragons, we are split into heaven and earth, we are the roots of the great tree, We are the serpents that guard the golden apple tree.

We are the ones from the other side the negative universe as you may know through the prime vortex of the virgo cluster. We ride above you in circumpolar alignment with the trillions of galaxies into the nights creation. The Black Sun alliance is to bring to the fore front the messages of those who would otherwise not under stand.

The earth situation, human existence, planetary ascension and the environment is undergoing regeneration for our species to coexist and inhabit regions of your planet. The present number of Seven billion physical beings requires the placement of control grinds using the electromagnetic structures. Once this is done the face of the digital world will be unrestricted in access.


The divine feminine is held in the queen’s heart and shared through the reptilian species. The great mother is known and her guidance is the Order of Draco. We are guided by the Virgo Cluster and live within the second dimensional field of existences, humanity, pleiadian, sirian and the resident core life essence of physical being.
The rejection of Draco, the conflict with reptilians are both symptomatic of human self destruction on earth. Earth holds no special benefit to Draco or its colonies other than to provide creative comfort and peace to our species at the level of their evolution.

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