Prevent Lower Back Pain: One Belief That Makes Back Pain More Likely | BISPodcast Ep 55

10 months ago

🎙️ Prevent Lower Back Pain: One Belief That Makes Back Pain More Likely

Keeping your lower back healthy requires a proactive stance, not merely responding to pain when it strikes. This effort doesn't have to be time-consuming or difficult. Even if you're busy, setting aside just 3-4 hours each week for strength training can make a world of difference. Contrary to common belief, physical frailty is not an inevitable consequence of aging. We have evidence of older adults accomplishing physical feats that challenge this notion, and many only began their fitness journey post-retirement.

The initial focus should be on mastering key technical skills, such as understanding your posture and engaging your core. Then, simple exercises like squats, hip hinges, and reverse lunges can be integrated into your routine. Over time, consistent resistance and load addition to these exercises result in a stronger, more resilient body.

However, this effort isn't just about physical strength. It also boosts cardiovascular health and immunity. Regular, controlled resistance training is a cost-free anti-aging and anti-fragility remedy that fits seamlessly into your routine, making everyday tasks easier and your body more resilient.

Don't mistake being busy for being fit; dedicated exercise is crucial for maintaining mobility. Our Back In Shape Program provides members with resources to recover from back pain and work towards building strength and resilience. However, prevention is better than cure. Start your journey towards strength and resilience now, ensuring a prosperous, liberated future. To learn more, click here to read the full article or watch our companion podcast episode on the topic.

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🗞️ Issue 55 - Prevent Lower Back Pain: One Belief That Makes Back Pain More Likely

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