The Art of Money Getting (FULL AUDIOBOOK!)

10 months ago

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The Art of Money-Getting: Golden Rules for Making Money by P. T. Barnum is a short book first published in 1880. In this book, P. T. Barnum, the renowned showman and businessman, encourages the general public to seek wealth through responsible and ethical economic means. He emphasizes the importance of building savings, collecting interest, and operating businesses with integrity. Barnum shares his own experiences and provides practical advice on understanding the true value of money, working hard to earn it, and living a more modest lifestyle to prioritize saving money. The book outlines a way of life rather than advocating for get-rich-quick schemes, making it relevant and valuable to readers of all ages who desire to manage their finances more responsibly.

The central theme of the book revolves around the concept of spending less than what one earns as the key to accumulating wealth. Barnum urges readers to keep track of their expenditures, distinguishing between necessities/comforts and luxuries. By controlling unnecessary expenses and living within one's means, individuals can achieve financial stability and independence.

Throughout the book, Barnum emphasizes the importance of perseverance and taking action rather than simply dreaming. He advises mastering one skill or business before moving on to another and systematizing business operations for efficiency and growth. Advertising is also highlighted as a crucial aspect of business success, with Barnum suggesting that repeated exposure to advertisements builds trust and familiarity with potential customers.

Furthermore, the book contains chapters with specific titles, each presenting valuable advice. Some of these chapters include "Don't Mistake Your Vocation," emphasizing the significance of choosing a profession aligned with one's nature and passion; "Select the Right Location," discussing the importance of finding demand for a business without excessive competition; and "Avoid Debt," warning against the dangers of excessive borrowing.

While The Art of Money-Getting was published in the 19th century, its wisdom and principles continue to hold relevance in managing personal finances and pursuing financial success. Despite the criticisms that P. T. Barnum faced in his personal life as a showman and hoaxer, the advice offered in the book remains valuable, making it a useful resource for those seeking to improve their financial responsibility and overall economic well-being

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