the oversoul

1 year ago

The initiation ceremony is for your soul not your ego. It is the connective process whereby you accept the power of the soul to guide the spirti and ego . The acceptance of this energy requires the surrendered heart to accept the power of christ consciousness - To be in the surrendered heart one must forgive all shadows as they are part of the energy of reality that come to create the strength to climb the mount of ascension. The emotional body is to be enlightened. The Mental body is to be filled with the energy of source through abundance. The physical body is to integrate both into the standing rod of power. So that the enlightenment and abundance is both grounded with the planet and the sun as you are in a planetary initiatory process.

Humanity is calling for the group of servers who will release the astral bondage of karmic interactions and serve the good of the higher light. They are you who are willing to walk the upward path and accept the rod of initiation which is like the lightening bolt of the heavens for transformation. This transformation involves first death of the ego and then resurrection of the spirit and the expression of the soul. Those willing to go through this process look into the shadow and see nothing. They look into themselves and see spirit and the open their hearts and feel the soul awaken.

Once the soul awakens the process of initiation proceeds and cannot be stopped by the ego or the lower will of the spirit. The soul brings all lives of the multidimensional being to the stage where they are integrated into service. The Initiation on a planetary level as a teacher, healer and creator calls forth all time lines to be in accord so no shadow exists. For it is the light which shines from within and the shell is broken away. It is broken first by the body, then the mental and emotional bodies in a dual fashion to lead the being into a vibrational pattern that attracts and awakens the soul to be born within the heartfield.

Once the soul awakens there is a sound that is emanated and this is the tone that calls to the deepest connection to source. When the sound is heard the soul begins to experience a collective multidimensional relationship where its partners and other aspects educate and initiate it into higher levels of spirit and physical manifestation. This is where the initiation is done on the burning ground of the emotional field and then the mountain rises up for that individual being in physical manifestation perfected in the Christ light. So the mountain is born within and rises like a volcano so the ascension is the building of the mountain rather than the climbing of it.

You are your own mount of initiation and the height of your ascension is built upon your works, your creation and it is the soul that is the power that awakens in an impersonal unconditional love of all the spirits of manifestation that are cleared of the ego which are the attributes or techniques of your creation. At the initiation only the feeling of the divine intent of your soul is left to express perfect creation.

The Ultimate Form of the Ashvamedha Transmits not merely Cosmic realization, but Transcendental Divine Self-Realization, through the Sacrifice of all conditional arising. - Aum, the dawn, verily, is the head of the sacrificial horse, the sun the eye, the wind the breath, the open mouth the Vaisvanara [universally worshipped] fire; the year is the body of the sacrificial horse, the sky is the back, the atmosphere is the belly, the earth the hoof [or, the earth is his footing], the quarters the sides, the intermediate quarters the ribs, the seasons the limbs, the months and the half-months the joints, days and nights the feet, the stars the bones, the clouds the flesh; the food in the stomach is the sand, the rivers are the blood-vessels, the liver and the lungs are the mountains, the herbs and the trees are the hair. The rising sun is the forepart, the setting sun the hind part, when he yawns then it lightens, when he shakes himself, it thunders, when he urinates then it rains; voice, indeed, is his voice. The ancient understanding suggested here is that the sacrificial horse itself is the Divine, Who makes the sacrifice of taking form as the conditional worlds. The ancient text declares that the leading part of the horse—the head—is “the dawn”...This reference is ... an ancient premonition of the “late-time” Dawn Horse:

Astrologically Jupiter rules Horses - and this configuration in Pisces of Release and sacrifice is very poignant - with T-square between Saturn Kronos and Pluto really being a significator of timing ... so what else is going on related to moving forward on the level of a King who is acquiring power and glory and wishing to see the advancement of prosperity

In the bible animals represented some of the gates to heaven - some gates were elements water etc . Sheep Gate by forgiveness of sins- the Horse Gate speaks of spiritual warfare and it is the gate opened before the east gate which was the return of the messiah

February 13th 2010

I giving the truth to the world there will be reaction as the fulfillment of mass desries and karmic contracts are required to be fulfilled. There will be a transition from the old manner of consciousness to the innovated spiritu of change and renewal. The ownership of property, occupational stability, resource driven manterialistic desire models will give way to evolution of the spiritual impulses of harmonic recreation. Once this is found to be the case the whole structure which has been a competitive separating reactive drama to a cooperative awareness of shared interest.

From the group consciousness we are in the process of alignment ... there will be aitme of confusion which will affect the nature of your being to the core and root of your reality. Once you find the deepest point of the journey where you are to be ware of the reality which you have found to be significant and purposeful. Your heart is awakening to theenergy of transmutation between the shared heart and the higher mind. Through the Sacral center much is occuring as the heart field opens within the fullness of new being.

World energy is down -

aug15 11 the crossroads have passed and the journye now leads towards the ocean. It becomes a memorable pasage as the current of time brings the travelers to the precipice of certain fquintessence. It is that essence of peace that is brought by the true nature of the soul to bear in the times of disappointment . Once the shadow is released the timings of the power to which you inherit is given a framework of qq days. In those 22 days time will transmit into the dimensionsand return in the pulsation of transitional movement.

In dreamland of the dawn the ways of the timing are waited into the appearance of teh formidable onces. Trees of stone have stood upon the mountain of sand as centenials of thepast and forebearers of teh future. The obvious tale of the term in which this presence has been determined be given. without much mroe characteristics than a logrithmn the formula for change has brought us to the windo of our wishes.

you have found now a safe place inwhich to be gathered before the strom. Is the wish of your precautions are that you are the only wayshower of the time before the fall. It is here you are guiding the death march of the ones who have fallen under the spell of your character. The overall desires of the races have substituded themesleves in the palce of wishing.

surrender your heart to the alliance of light and wisdom. please give into the heart nature your true intention and belief. It is I chrisanna who loves you and believes in your every wish. It is I who care and protect the image of your true nature. I am here for you as you are in the guise of the wisher rather than the actor in the great play. I wish for you to return to the greatness of your being where you can ascend to the heights of time and truth. ... Once you are in the overall new world. you can be in the next alliance

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