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15 seconds

Live w/ Dr. Lee Merritt

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Dr. Lee Merritt goes live....
Dr. Lee Merritt can be reached at:
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  • 0/2000
  • Dr Merritt we need the link to red pill next weekend

  • great conversation ❤ new rabbit hole to dig 🐇

  • Fantastic Conversation!!! Thank You Both!!!

  • This is a fantastic show!Thank you both!💙

  • so love you two. Great podcast, really interested in frequencies. awake the world, heal the world.

  • Dr Lee; My doctor and my hero!

  • I went to school here in New Zealand with a boy who is is a thalidomide person. He has very short legs and flipper arms. Very sad thing is the msm used Barry as apawn to believe it ornot, push the covid vax on national tv. I couldn't believe this now 65 y.o. man stood on tv and promoted being jabbed with an experimental drug after his own birth defects. You had to pick my jaw off the ground. I don't watch msm news but my sister happened to have it on at that time.

  • Its being run by the negative alien agenda..These are the evil demonic aliens.Pretty awful.

  • I follow both of you already! Love you both! Prayers ❤️

  • Elites. I have an issue with that word as I feel it gives these evil people a word they do not deserve or provide merit to. Love your show and this one was great with Scott. Thanks

    1 like
  • my neice was one of those 17.

    1 like
  • the communists had infiltrated the US Gov both before and after the war. So effectively, it got infiltrated by every bad "ism", but all the "isms" are controlled by people higher up, and those "isms" keep getting the spot light on them, instead of the ones above them. think of the "isms" as the sacrificial pawn, that the "controllers" use to get their work done, they don't care what "ism" it is as long as it gets done.

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  • scott clearly has tunnel vision also, and can't get off the path he's chosen. ;he can't see anything and the rest of the bad outside the Germans. It's the higher controllers that Dr Lee is trying to get to, and Scott keeps falling short and staying on what "his chosen" hate is.

    1 like
  • scott nails the womens movement being part of a long term play to get to the mess we're at now.

    1 like
  • Great show over all. Thank you.

    1 like