Interest Rates, (End Of) Cash And The WEF - UK Column News

1 year ago

Interest Rates, (End Of) Cash And The WEF
- Bank of England: Interest rates and Bank Rate
- Market Watch: Japan 10 Year Government Bond
- Financial Times: The Bank of Japan’s timely tweak
- i News: ‘This is going to finish me’: Mortgage prisoner earning £2,000 a month is now paying £2,700 for her home
- GB News: Don't kill cash
- Bank of England (2019): Will cash die out?
- Reuters (2021): Bank of England tells banks to preserve access to cash
- Charged Retail: The UK will be almost cashless by 2024
- The Behavioural Insights Team: Should banks encourage green behaviours?
- Cogo: Carbon Management Solutions
- European Investment Bank: Climate and environmental sustainability
- World Economic Forum: The benefits of a cashless society
- World Economic Forum: How behavioural experiments boost sustainable leadership

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