Roy Guo: the CCP investing $17 million into US public schools is an ideological warfare in essence

11 months ago

08/03/2023 Roy Guo: The Confucius Institute, and the $17 million investments the CCP pushed into the US public schools, are only part of CCP’s BGY and 3F plan to undermine western society. It is in essence an ideological warfare waged by the CCP against the western world. Its purpose is to influence, to infiltrate, to brainwash, and also most importantly, is to also collect intelligence. It is brainwashing and manipulation.
08/03/2023 罗伊: 孔子学院,中共向美国公立大学投资1700万美元等,这些都是中共“蓝金黄”和“3F”计划的一部分。本质上是中共对西方社会发起的一场意识形态的战争。目的是影响、渗透和洗脑,更重要的目的是搜集情报。这就是洗脑和操纵。

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