(March 13th 2021) World Champion Boxer Marvelous Marvin Hagler dies on the same day after taking the experimental 💉.

10 months ago

Besides believing that CV19 was a completely hyped up farce I wasn't watching any alternative media at the beginning of the CV19 vax roll out (and had no plan to ever take it) and more focused on family issues but it was hearing about Marvin Hagler's death a month after he died where his old opponent now friend Thomas Hitman Hearns went onto Instagram and told everyone that Marvin Hagler was in ICU fighting for his life after taking the VACCINE and later on the same day Thomas Hearns wrote on his Instagram that Marvin had died.

Of course ALL the BOUGHT&PAID$ for FACT CHECKERS assured everyone that although they don't know how he died it definitely wasn't the experimental CV19 vaccine. I knew intuitively they were LYING and that is when I began to research the experimental vaccine in April 2021 full time.

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