The CCP wants the US to dependent on it, and the US has neglected its own backyard

1 year ago

8/3/2023 Congressman Mike Gallagher: The CCP is trying to develop all the arable land in Communist China, signing agricultural access agreements everywhere in South American countries, and trying to de-dollarize the global economy. This is not only to eliminate the food crisis in China, but it is also an attempt to make the US dependent on the CCP. The United States has neglected its own backyard!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/3/2023 麦克·加拉格尔议员:中共正在努力开发中共国所有可耕种的土地,并到处在南美洲各国签署农业准入协议,同时努力使全球经济去美元化。这不仅是为了消除中共国粮食危机,更是企图借此让美国依赖中共。是美国忽视了自己的后院!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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