Kizatmon Saiga vs Hideo Tokoro - Full Fight

1 year ago

Both fighters start off punching aggressive with the odd kick thrown in. Tokoro goes for a takedown but Saiga evades, twice. After a series of kick and punch exchanges, Saiga connects with a right cross that sends Tokoro back to the corner. Tokoro comes out of the corner and gets the takedown into a mount, but Saiga reverses into guard.
Saiga eventually stands and waves for Tokoro to get up. Saiga misses a spinning kick that goes over Tokoro’s head, and then Saiga connects on a high kick but Tokoro catches it and uses it to drag Saiga down. Saiga escapes to his feet once but Tokoro takes him right back down as Saiga’s wife is screaming loudly from the crowd, cheering her husband on. Tokoro locks on a rear-naked choke but he loses control of the body triangle. They both scramble, and roll around trying to lock submissions on each other. Nothing comes of it and they both stand up.
Saiga hits a strong left hook that sends Tokoro backwards but Tokoro rolls into a stunning kneebar. He tries for a calf slicer but goes back to the back-mount. With Saiga defending against the rear-naked choke, Tokoro looks for an armbar, finally locks one on and taps Saiga out.

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