Former CIA Officers in Congress Ghost in-Ghost out

10 months ago

According to The Washington Post, several former CIA officers have made their way into Congress. VJxZNCI ID: 9b601a No.7352982 📁
Nov 11 2019 20:02:56 (EST)
Once C_A always C_A?
Former C_A elected to Congress?
Former C_A running for Congress?
Former C_A running for Senate?
Former C_A elected to Senate?
Former C_A elected to Presidency?
Define ‘black op’ [clandestine]
Once C_A always C_A?
@Snowden pre_NSA?
@Snowden base of ops [geo location]?
Whistleblower(s) vs. POTUS?
Former C_A?
Define ‘black op’ [clandestine]
What happens if rogue elements of US AB[C] intel agency target [to insert] US political system [President, VP, House, Senate, NSC, US Amb., etc.] in ‘black op’ designated to control friend vs. foe targeting [self-preservation]?
What access does a House member have?
What access does a House Committee member have?
Bypass data encryption on phone/tablet etc?
Primary focus on elected officials?
Primary focus on elected officials in key sub committees?
Can activation occur of 'recording' local on device pre SCIF entry?
No logs.
No keys.
Ghost in-Ghost out.

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