Abel Danger's Field McConnell on 9 11 & the Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot

1 year ago

Former Northwest Airlines DC-10 Captain and 9/11 whistleblower describes the uninterruptible autopilot and its employment on the Richie Allen Show.

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Captain Field McConnell, a former Northwest Airline DC-10 captain and a long time friend of Captain Dan Hanley, retired 9 years early as such because of his exposure of illegal modifications on Boeing aircraft in 2006 so that he could serve as an expert witness in future litigation.

At the time, Northwest Airlines, the Air Line Pilots Association, and the FAA were attempting to force him to see a notorious FAA psychiatrist, Dr. James Elliott, in Los Angeles in an attempt to illegally ground him for life as a pilot in direct violation of RICO statutes on a trumped up psychological diagnosis in an effort to gag him.

It didn’t work.

After his retirement, he continued his investigation into illegal modification of Boeing aircraft revealing the existence of the Boeing Uninterruptible Auto Pilot prior to 9/11 and the Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disasters.

Captain McConnell can be credited as the first person on earth to expose this system to all.

Flying Resume

1967-1971, studied at United States Naval Academy, graduating 9 June, 1971. Commissioned 2nd Lt United States Marine Corps with guarantee of Aviation Military Operational Specialty
July 1971 to February, 1972, attended USMC The Basic School, July 1971 to February, 1972, qualified as 0301, Infantry Platoon Commander
February, 1972 to June, 1972 attended US Naval Aviation Indoctrination and Primary flight training, Naval Air Pensacola, Florida
July, 1972 to December, 1972 attended US Naval Aviation Basic Jet Training, McCain Naval Air Station, Meridian, Mississippi
January, 1973 to June 1973, attended US Naval Aviation Advanced Jet Training, NAS Kingsville, Texas
June 22, 1973 Designated US Naval Aviator
July, 1973 to January, 1974; assigned to VMA-102, VMFA-101, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona and USAF C130 Combat Crew Training at Little Rock AFB, Arkansas
February 1974 to October, 1974, assigned to Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 352, MCAS El Toro, California flying KC130F
October 1974 to May 1977, assigned to US Navy Training Squadron 21, Chase Field Naval Air Station, Beeville Texas. Instructor pilot, TA4J teaching advanced jet training syllabus.
Resigned from United States Marine Corps when recruited by North Dakota Air National Guard, Fargo ND, to fly F4D with 178th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, NDANG.
1978: William Tell, World-wide fighter competition
Hired by North Central Airlines on 2 November, 1978. Flew Convair 580 domestically
North Central merged with Southern Airways to become Republic Airlines July, 1979. Flew DC9, MD80,B727 and CV580 domestically Republic Airlines bought by Northwest Airlines January, 1986. Flew B727, DC10 and A320 domestic and international flights.
1986: William Tell, World-wide fighter competition
North Dakota ANG transitioned from F4 Phantom to F16 Fighting Falcon, 1990
Retired from Air National Guard on 22 June, 1993 with final F16 flight on Pearl Harbor Day, 1992. Refused to serve under William Jefferson Clinton per information given by General Hunter H. Harris IV USAF who had secured my appointment to Annapolis.
On December 10, 2006, Field McConnell reported the illegal modification on Boeing aircraft to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Northwest Airlines, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), NORAD and the USNA Superintendent. Shortly thereafter, Northwest Airlines, compelled by the United States Department of Justice (USDoJ), silenced Field McConnell, due to his inadvertent reopening of a safety issue closed in the June, 2006 settlement of a $615 million settlement paid by Boeing to the United States Department of Justice (USDOJ).

In 2006, Captain Field McConnell filed a federal lawsuit in Washington, DC but the case was tossed by the judge.

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