This Could Happen To You !!

10 months ago

The Modern Day Mobsters. They Have All Americans Programmed To Believe In "Death & Taxes". As If TAKes Is Inevitable and Unavoidable. That It Is Some Universal Law That No One Can Avoid. As With Everything Else, They LIE. There Is No LAw. It Is Voluntary, Like Everything Is And They Trick You Into Consent, Compliance & Contract. Fraud. Next Time IRS Comes A Knockin. Tell Them You Are Filing Extortion Charges On Them If They Continue To Harass You. Providing You Haven't Filed. If You Filed, Then You're Fucked, Because You Contracted With Them Giving Them Your Consent and Volunteering To Pay. That Is How It Works Folks. Click on full screen view in your rumble player.

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