As Dragons of the Draconian Order of Thuba

1 year ago

Zibar rastathubim nzydrasa fardebzanzis alethmahn pothmos darbithia - vardos debnar 2
Strong fire rises spiraling through the layers of wisdom to speak to the coming children -

This is a statement from the Draconian Empire of Dragons to the infinity of worlds.
Ageless One speaks through us, we are the second race to be birthed to consciousness.
Great mother of the deep the holiest of wombs within the Dragon lair of Spirit Creation.
Birth the Spark life with the white fires of initiation for we are many who are all one.

Zyarazaba to present this perspective of the Draconians.

Serpent Light

The nature of this discourse is to enable a clear perception of the time space universe existing as the foundational experience within the multidimensional unified field or has been referred to as the infinity matrix by the pleiadians. The course of this outlook is to consciousness the dream time experience as opposed to the space time experience. Both are conducted on the lateral strata of time which operates from horizon to horizon . the capacity of the human mind to awaken to the other dimensional time stratas is the challenge and opportunity of this creation.

Draconian, Dragon, Arcturian, Lyran, Pleiadian, Sirian, and so on are species of the intergalactic realm which occupy time, dream time space time. The occupants of this plane of existence is layered to allow for infinite creation, which is infinite time. Time is infinite in its absolute energy of life as now. Consciousness of the great mind has created the sense of time and while it in 3d is linear and recognizable it is neither in the dream realm.

Each of the species and life forms and thought forms created secondarily exist in consciousness. This consciousness has an active and subactive role, conscious and subconscious. The mind operates through brains which are similar in their mechanical creation as with the other organs of physicality. The subconscious acts involuntarily and j in mysterious ways that are the nature of paradox and conundrum. The quantum physics of dreams is the symbols and expressions of the mind in imaginative flux.

The point to insure is that the overall grasp of the galaxies of the universe and what may lay beyond is a point of consideration by many. The timing of galactic renewal allows for a full awareness of the game of consciousness to be played. The work of the intention of the subconscious, shared mind, unified field, greater being, telepathic connection is found through reaching past definitions and into insight. To go past intuition, clairvoyance and telepathy to direct insight is the capacity of an active mind or time cell. The way forward to humanity is to dream in the same manner as they think. To think and have purpose to be focused in the dream to be lucid and aware with knowledge returned for greater expression.

As Dragons of the Draconian Order of Thuban the theory of our creation is less known than yours. The offer to exist was given in the great hall where all being grew from the galactic heart. The heart of the mother of the deep where the vertical light through the golden ring awakened the spark to begin the genetic strands to connect to the central strand of light from the Sun Thuban to begin creation.

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